

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Candy Texture Pack has been Released

I know I'm a bit late on this post, but title pretty much says it all. The Candy Texture Pack has been released on the Xbox 360 console.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Minecraft: Playstation 4 Edition Release Date/Minecraft: Xbox One Edition Release Date (What I think/Speculations)

So, if you guys didn't know, 4JStudios, has confirmed that they are working on the next-gen versions of Minecraft. Which is: Minecraft: PS4 Edition, and Minecraft: PS Vita Edition (as seen in the picture, below.) They are also working on the Xbox One version, of the game.

Now, what I think is going to happen, is, that the next-gen, or should I say, current-generation, versions of the game, will release some time, within the next two months. Meaning, sometime in May-June. These are not confirmed, these are just my speculations. They have been working on the game for sometime, and they have showed us, that TU14, is in-fact running on both the Xbox One, and Playstation 4.

Anyways, that is all I got for all, as of right now. Remember to check out my YouTube Channel, and make sure to subscribe. Thanks!


Updates with this blog!!

I am sorry, that I have totally stopped posting on here. I had totally forgotten about this blog, until yesterday when someone pointed it out to me. When they searched my name up on Google, they fount this blog. And I was all like, yeah, that probably is my blog. But anyways, from now on. I will try to post some updates, or news about Minecraft on Consoles. And I will also be posting my glitches up on here!

Minecraft: Xbox 360/Playstation 3 Edition - Invisible Door Glitch on TU15

Friday, July 19, 2013

Skin Pack 5 Almost Finished!

If you guys didn't know, 4JStudios was working on the upcoming Skin Pack, Skin Pack 5. Which is set to be released, real soon.

More info will be coming soon, so stay tuned!

4JStudios Bug Fixing TU12

So, if you guys have been left in the dark, for the past couple of days, you guys wouldn't know, that TU12, is almost among us. 4JStudios, is currently bug fixing the next Title Update, which is Title Update 12. So, it won't be too much longer, till its finally finished. Once its finished, 4J, will be sending it out to Microsoft. Once there, Microsoft will Test the next update, and once its finally done. It will be released on the Xbox 360 Edition! :)
Also, The Wither will not be in the next update! :(

Friday, June 28, 2013

Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition - Retail Disc out today in UK, France, Spain, and Ireland

Today, Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition, Retail disc, came out today, in 4 different countries. The countries being, UK, France, Spain, and Ireland. If you don't believe me, go down to your local provider, such as Wal-Mart, gamestop, and ask an Employee, or you can just look on twitter.